I am Sambridha Shrestha, an undergraduate student studying in the United States. I worked at Upaya: City Cargo as a summer intern. Working at Upaya: City Cargo was amazing and gave me an experience which is definitely helpful for the coming days. The company provided me with an opportunity to learn about the management and operations of a startup company which had always been a subject of curiosity for me.Upaya: City Cargo did not only expose me to the environment inside the workplace but also gave me a chance to understand the current market situation of the logistics industry of Kathmandu through independent market research. I also researched the logistics industry of Nepal and provided information and important data that were useful for the company’s growth. The market research aided me to learn about approaching and contacting potential clients and mini truck drivers and conduct a survey to get hold of vital information that can be used by Upaya: City Cargo for further progress.
As a summer intern at Upaya, I was also a part of the integration project of eSewa and Khalti into the Upaya: City Cargo system. eSewa and Khalti are the major online payment systems in Nepal. The integration project helped me learn to approach and coordinate with other corporations. It also provided me with an understanding of the technological side of the company. As a person focused mostly in management and operations, learning about the complex procedures that go into improving the service through technology was a whole new thing for me and was beyond my comfort zone. Even though it was out of my comfort zone, I readily accepted the task and I am happy to say that it was a success.